So to the vet we went.
Our oldest daughter came to help, bringing her dog, and our youngest son and his wife brought their two small dogs-all four of our dogs needing their shots. Their 3 were in one auto, (Draco would eat the one for a main meal, and have the two small dogs for a dessert) and Draco was in our truck-
We arrived to the vets, on a snowy day, blazing a trail on back roads for awhile. I went into the vets and saw about 8 people with their dogs. Two of the dogs were pit bulls. Everyone holding back their dogs from attacking other dogs. I found out which person was the last one there and told them (in case anyone else came in) that I was after her with her dog, but was choosing to stay out side for now. One man with two big dogs said, you can come in here there's room, I laughed and said no, my dog would not do well. We walked our dogs, Draco first, then put him up into the truck and the other 3 were walked. Finally there were only two dogs left in the office-both of the pit bulls. shsss. But in we went with Draco when one the last one went back. empty waiting room, would be good. Then the door opens and in walks 2 huge dogs with their owner. (one looks like a Alaskan type of dog). It took both me and Anastasia to keep Draco calm and back. Finally Dustin too had to help. Then a woman walks in to look how many are in the room and announces she has 9 dogs to bring in. I ask her if she will wait until Draco is out of the office, and she says sure-and does what I had done, making sure who she will be after. We assure her we will make sure to keep her spot 'in line'. (After all, to Draco, Dustin is still 'his' boy). When we took him back to the room he did fine. Held still, friendly and all.
So finally we went home. What a day!
One of the goats we lost , she was a good mother too. |
Today, is a different day. We have been having a bit of a tough time on the farm. Lost 2 goats this winter, and one sheep.
They just went down, gave antibiotics and all, just never recovered. Then one of our best sheep (a female, one of the first ones) went down. That was over a week ago. We continued the antibiotics but she never could get back up. She was called Marshmellow. Here is her photo from a year or more ago:
Scott was having a hard time putting her down, so we stopped asking GOD to heal her , since she was suffering so, that HE just take her soon. HE did, in HIS mercy. So this morning Scott built a large bon fire to dispose of her body. This morning he also found one of our young sheep down, gone, who had died trying to give birth. The baby was gone too. This is the first one we have lost during a birth.
So we began with 18 sheep when winter began, we took two males in to be butchered, lost one sheep. began lambing season with 14 females and the one male. And now lost 2 more. Our little herd is dwindling down.
We had a new baby born this morning, probably the last for this mamma. She is the remaining oldest sheep, a sister to Marshmellow. It will prob be the last lamb we allow her to have...unless she becomes a better mother with this one. She was always a great mother, but does not allow this baby to nurse unless Scott stands right there holding her pinned against the barn side. Then the baby can nurse. The photo below is of this mamma and her new baby. A little female lamb.
Here is Scott with them