well a little about me, I am married to a wonderful man...since 1980. We dated for 5 years before that....so we have been together for a long time.
here are some photos of my family...we have 5 children.

Our oldest is Jason, name meaning healer, he is married to Missy and they have 3 beautiful children...Zachary, Logan, and Adrena. (photos of grand children coming soon)

The next child is Nathan,name meaning prophet, he is married to Kasandra. They have 2 children, Josiah, and Jeremiah. (photos coming soon)
The next child is Anastasia, name meaning of the spring time of the resurrection. She is married to Stephen.

The next child is Nalani, name meaning calmness of the heavens.

The youngest child is Dustin, name meaning warrior and defender for GOD. He is married to Samantha.
Scott and I met because I was friends with his sister. I had just ended a relationship with someone else and a relationship he had been in had just ended, so we started hanging out. At first we would go for drives and just talk. We started noticing that we had a lot in common...
About each weekend we would just talk when I was over to visit his sister. after a few months it turned into a bit more serious dating.
I still remember the spot I was at (in his car while he was driving) and where we were at (in the town of Colon) when I heard the LORD say to me-"this man will be your husband," I can stand on that very spot today.
Scott and I were both believers, but were not really walking with the LORD, so we were not in obedience to HIM at all. That makes for a difficult start in a relationship.
We dated for 5 years and one month before I turned 18, we were married. That was in 1980. I graduated High School one month later also. It was kind of weird to write your own excuse for missing school because of your honeymoon.
2 years later we had our first baby. I was a stay at home mom, by choice. I really believe that is GOD's will for married couples. Today so many 'mom's' work out side the home and the dad stays home, and I am not convinced that is really HIS will. I think it is the enemy's way to try to destroy the marriage. But times are tough I know, we struggle too, and families must pay the bills-so many moms do work.
I am grateful that I was able to stay home as long as I was. I home schooled the children for their younger years. The three oldest, I put into public school after about 3 years of homeschooling. They were in school for about 3 years then we took them back out. We had some trouble in the public school system here locally. One young child even threatened to bring a knife to school to stab my child-(Nathan) and after dealing with some very stupid people in the school system, we finally got it worked out. But it took soooo much effort on our part. The principle just said to me, 'well he (the other child) is just a first grader'...(like he would not do anything because he is young?). Now all these years later, we hear about killings in schools, even young children bringing guns and knives to school...and here was a troubled child who did not get the help he needed! (I knew the family, for awhile the mother baby sat for 3 of our children and she was abusive-so did not baby sit for very long, she even threatened me!)
That was a tough year, we took the kids out after that year.
I had since become a nurse, but at what price? If I could go back and do things different, I would have waited on going back to college myself. That is why I tell everyone now, finish college BEFORE you start a family!
I worked full time, home schooled and kept up a house. That means I gardened, canned (about 300 jars a year) and still sewed the dresses my daughters wore, the shirts my sons and husband wore and also my dresses and shirts. I worked second shift and my husband worked first. Most of the time I actually worked the third shift, so we rarely saw each other. When I got home from work, I would lie down for about 4 hours then get up and start the day. I went years on that kind of rest. But that is just what I did to help our family survive.
The problem? We were not really dependent on GOD, we depended on US. Again, I think if we would have really worked to seek HIS way, (we were believer's, attended church, and had a personal relationship-but) and not try to 'listen' to so many spiritual leaders and other believers that were leading us in the wrong direction. They would say-you gotta do what you have to --to pay your bills....
Where was the teaching about trusting HIS ways?
God in HIS wisdom began to say to me..."hey, listen to me!" As I did, but it was the opposite of what I had been hearing! I was often labeled the rebellious one... well more on that later...I think that this post will be long enough...so stay tuned in to the upcoming part 2 of the dys'fun'ctional family...
that daughter of yours the anastasia one.. ohhhhh she is sooooooo pretty