Well a much needed time of rest/vacation is finally here for Scott and I. We travel to the smokey mountains (we call it our second home) each year for the past 18 years or so.
We usually go in the fall time, but the past 4 or 5 years have come down in the winter time instead. This year we were not sure if we would be coming down due to some issues at the last minute, including financial, (always can be a problem) and health issues. But it all worked out. Thank you to YHWH!
We were open to leave wednesday evening or by thursday morning about 4 am. Due to the weather we saw coming in and the report that there would be possible ice storms in the area we were going to be traveling in the next day, we decided to leave wed evening. Scott got off of work on time, the first in a few weeks now, so we could finish up last minute stuff and was on the road by about 5:45 pm. Stopped at our sons home -Jason, and left some stuff that they had left here at our home, then on the highway by 6:35 pm!
There was ice storms reported in the ft Wayne area, but as we traveled it was not too bad. We did decide to stop now for a meal, since we would not be in an area of a decent restaurant until about 10 pm, (were very picky where we eat-no fast food, and no grease pits).
We took our time, after all it is vacation!
Once on the road again- Now I am driving, Scott decided to take a nap. He had worked a long day already. On into Ohio, still really no bad weather, but once on a smaller highway, I did come up to some slightly slick roads. An area where the fields were allowing drifting of snow over the road. The farmers remove the tree line along the fence rows and where this is done, it will often drift and have dangerous road conditions-
Sure enough-flashing lights ahead. lots of them. I slowed way down and as I went by- an ambulance left the scene, I could still see one ambulance, and a rescue squad, and about 6-7 police cars. There was a semi off the road, obviously involved, a jeep style auto that was smashed in the front, and a car, in the field all smashed up real bad. It appeared to be a really bad accident, I prayed for all involved. Our time we took to eat-was a good decision, possibly if we would have waited, we might have been at this area at the time the accident had happened....
We made good time, and after Cincinnati, came upon another accident, cops everywhere again, cars all smashed up -Thanks again to Yahweh for HIS protection of our lives.
Finally we stopped somewhere to spend the night-about 1 am. Got a hotel room and slept until about 7 am. As we were checking out, (daylight allows you to see things you miss in the dark-even with your glasses on) I noticed mold on the heater! It was so gross! I had the woman at the desk come back and showed her-black mold actually is what it appeared to be.
Well, we did have the charges for the room removed-she offered that, I did not even ask for it as I was just showing her since this is a Major health issue. (my sinuses were acting funny-now I know why!) But that was the right thing to do under the circumstances. That is one of the reasons I do not like staying in hotels-I do find them to be sooooo unclean! At least they were willing to work with us about it.
We was on the road by 9am, enjoying fresh organic grapes, bananas, golden delicious apples and yogurt for breakfast. Scott did eat a few jelly rolls from the hotel! It is vacation after all, and so some indulgence is allowed!
We did stop at Cracker barrel for lunch, and when we went in we had snow left in the back of the truck bed, by the time we came out, it was all melted except for about a hand full! It was about 48-50 degrees down here that day!
We arrived in town about 1 am, or so, stopping at (unfortunately-walmart) to stock up with some final things -food wise- then went to the cabin. It took forever in the store, after all it was thursday- Dec 24th-the day everyone was shopping for that pagan holiday-christmas- the lines were sooo long!
Once at the cabin/cottage, we settled in, then -to the hot tub! The view over the mountains were so peaceful. After a dinner of grilled steak, and a spring mix salad, we shut the drapes, put on a movie, and turned on the fire place (a gas one) and rested.
Friday we did not venture out at all-just stayed here enjoying a breakfast of farm fresh eggs, on toast, with prov. cheese slices, and slices of turkey too. Then back to the hot tub and more rest! Later in the evening a meal of sirloin steak (small pieces) that had marinated all day in coffee, garlic, onions, worch. and soy sauce, sesame seeds, and herb flavored chicken nuggets (home made with home grown herbs of coarse-and yes that is a lot of meat!) Then more rest in front of the fire place.
Spoke with the boomershines, whom we will meet up with tomorrow!
Today-Sabbath / aka saturday--- we spent time in the word-
Scott and I spent some time sharing in HIS word. Listening to praise music, and enjoying the views of the mountains!
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