Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ready for an Adventure...

 ~Some of you know that I will be leaving the area for a short time (but it will feel like a very long time) and for those of you who did not know, now you do.

I have no one due during October and November, and wanted to stay busy~~I also needed some income...(I have got to pay the bills!!) 
  So last week-I covered for a midwife while she was out of town, now I am off to Virginia to work with a midwife during a busy time for her...

This is the longest amount of time that Scott and I have been apart for more than 35 years.  (we have been married for over 30 years but dated for 5 years before that).  This will not be easy for either one of us!

I will leave tomorrow morning, drive all day and hopefully arrive about 9 pm or so.  I am not sure if I should stop and stay at a hotel if it gets late, because of driving thru the mountains when it is dark is not my thing since I am not use to the area. I do hate to waste the money sleeping at a hotel.  I also do not want to deal with the possibility of bed bugs.  (you need to remember I am the one that will sleep in my car or truck when on mission trips-rather than use money for a hotel~ I am very cheap that way!) 

I will prob just arrive late-I guess.  There is nothing else I can do about that.  I could leaver earlier in the morning, but I need to make a slight detour and stop at a the decision is, do I go to this store in ohio that I would not other wise go to -or spend the $10.00 to have something shipped to me...and just get on the road for Virginia...

Not sure.....I will decide tomorrow morning.

I will journal about my if you want to keep up with my travels and adventure, stay tuned.  I am praying that the LORD YHWH will get Scott and myself thru this, and we will grow closer together in our absence of each other.  

You do not know what your missing sometimes until you have to experience it for real....

I pray that each of you will be blessed by this diary of our time apart...and if your marriage is struggling, if you are feeling like you want to give up on your marriage, well stay tuned.  I plan on sharing in such a way that you will hopefully reconsider those thoughts.  Marriage is a holy contract, and remember GOD hates divorce. So stay tuned to hear from me-my thoughts and my adventure.... 

Until later

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