Tuesday, May 24, 2011


some of my garden boxes, chives growing in the back bed, and garlic in the front bed.
Spring is always a very busy time around a farm, even a small farm like ours.  Now that we have had no children at the house for 2 years to do child labor (family joke-so no one may send me hate mail) it keeps Scott and I very busy!
Scott on the tractor with the brush hog, going to mow along the road up front of our property...
I keep up the mowing-mowing about 3 acres total-up in the front yard, along the driveway, behind the house, and along the fence row going to the woods, and also in front of the woods and the "trails".

 Scott only mows with the brush hog (a huge mower attached to the back of the tractor) and he does not want me to use it.  He says its for safety reason, that I might tip it over or something by taking the corners too fast, (he HAS driven with me in the car before...) but I think it is so the tractor stays a 'mans' farmer toy thing...you know...that manly-man attitude..."only men can do this"...ok...let him have that one.  

He only has to use the brush hog up by the road, where the ground tips too much and I could actually tip my rider lawn mower over, and then he does the weed whacking.  I have been trying to make it so he does not have any edging like that to do.  As I plant flowers and stuff I want to put a type of edging around the beds so I can  mow right up to the edge....but that all takes a LOT of work, creativeness and time (and money-which we are extremely low on-right now) so I have to be VERY creative or just work VERY hard at weeding by hand.  So----he still weed whacks, it is just too much for me to weed by hand! 

one of many new 'flower beds' finished this spring....

(I also do not do the weed whacker-there are some jobs that are JUST mens jobs)

what is left from a huge load of rocks and broken cement pcs

I have moved the above pile myself-which is ok.  But wow!  between that and all the weeding, my carpel tunnel syndrome is really acting up, hands are numb all night as I sleep and for a few hours in the morning....makes getting up in the middle of the night for a birth sort of hard to do!  But fear not (those of you who might read this and I am your midwife) weeding season -the major amount of it-will be done in a few weeks!

I have worked very hard this spring on my front flower bed.  It use to be a huge herb bed, with a river and 2 water falls, and 2 ponds. The river does not run anymore (it was all done by a pump and water falls-circled from one pond to the water fall, down the river to the water fall into the pond) The upper pond was for plants.  Now it is a jungle.  I did not do anything with it for 2 years, and have been trying to tame it this spring.
one of two ponds -see all the weeds in the back ground!

showing the water fall (not running) above the pond....
The garden....before taming the jungle

You can see the rail road ties to the left in the photo, that was the 'upper pond' and the stones to the right of that is the lower pond and water fall.  The 'river' went up the hill, where the water from the lower pond was pumped to the upper water fall, close to the house.  the structure you see to the right of the photo, is a beginning of an arbor for the wisteria plant. I will put the 'after photos' up when I have it done!

The above boxes are last years raised garden boxes, we are adding mulch to them as you can see.  We have built a total of 6 more, and had to do a few runs with the truck and wagon- for the free mulch (old cow manure) as our little farm does not make enough of this for our garden.  We have some that is 'cooking' but wont be done until next year.  So I have been poop scooping for a few weeks, and I have about 4 ton yet to do!  Will be very busy!
So that is it for now...

I will post more story's and photos as I get all of this done!  Lots of work!  Have a great spring everyone!

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