Adreana's smile says it all! |
Where my husband works- as with most factory's, have a company picnic each year. What the company he works at--- has done last year and again this year, was help foot the bill for tickets for the water park in Shipshewana. We pay a small amount (only about 20% of what it usually costs!) so its a great day for the family to go and have fun! This park is mostly built with younger children in mind, but there is one water slide which is great for older children and even adults that do not mind going down the dark enclosed tunnel.
Zach and Adreana just coming out of the slide area! |
We spent the afternoon here, the grandchildren enjoying all-we enjoyed watching them, and chasing them to keep track of them. Scott and I "allowed" their parents to do most of that chasing stuff, while he and I just floated in the pool area that is located in the middle of a "river". This pool area has jets, so we sat there receiving therapy to our back with those jets! We considered this to be a tax Write off (yeah right) for therapy for our lower backs. Sort of like going to the chiropractor with out actually going to one!?!~
this shows the "pool" area |
The river was relaxing too...you can float on a inter-tube or just swim down the river... It has a current so it keeps you going.
Jason our oldest child-and his wife and their 3 children... |
Grampa went down the slide 'once' - and said once was enough. It is dark in there, you twist all over and do not know if your upside down or not, so once was enough. Jason thought once was enough too, but the kids did not so he had to go down a few times. I told him it was pay back for all the years that he and his brother and sister use to take their dad down stuff like that, and on twisty rides like the bat man ride, at theme parks.
Nathan did not have to deal this year with the "big" slide, since his children are too small yet- but next year?! Well, it will be fun to watch!
Nathan, our second child, and his wife and children |
After awhile the kids were ok to go down the ride by themselves.
Jason and his daughter just coming out of the long tunnel of the slide! |
Our other children did not come today, just the older boys and their families. So here are the photos of the day!
Logan |
Zach |
Looks like everyone had a great time!!