Friday, June 24, 2011

GRAND CHILDREN WEEK, garden, goats and sheep!

Photos will come later---------

All week we had grand children here -first were the older 3.  They came to hour house last weekend, and I took them home on Thursday.  We went bowling, and spent time swimming and relaxing as much as we could.  Watched the meerkats re-runs on Netflix, went out to eat once-(did not have meerkats ) and gram-pa took them for a tractor the lift on the tractor!  They saw a newborn deer....hiding and sleeping in the woods, gram-pa said it was brand new....and he wished he had a camera along  (silly, you have one on your phone-I reminded him later) 

Then today, the other 2 grand children were over to visit.   We went out side, even though it was not a very sunny day-spent time on grandma's play ground, and then a wagon ride.  I went back to the woods -giving them a ride in the wagon, then up to the front yard, all around-the yard-circling...circling...then stopped under the mulberry tree so they could pick mulberries and eat them-and turn purple!  Then grandma watched them do cartwheels for awhile-as we waited for gram-pa to come home so they could show him how they do cartwheels.  After each cartwheel (only about 25 each child) grandma had to say "yeah! "  and clap a lot! They would say "grandma----say yeah! "  If I forgot to say that!

Grandma also watched the neighbor mow while watching the grand kids do cartwheels- because the neighbor keeps mowing into the keeslar mail box, trying to tip it over.  

Grandma just put rocks down beside the base of the mailbox so maybe he would stop doing that.

  Funny thing is, he kept waiting to mow that area (along the property line) until I was gone-but I would not leave.  I love frustrating people sometimes like that.  

 He usually mows that area first, then does all the rest of the yard-but today-I was out watching so he mowed in a different order....ha funny.  He has to be doing it on purpose- but I wonder why?  I think he is just plain mean.  He has always been untrustworthy as a neighbor-  he shot our dog, his grand son shot at me and our dog while we were walking on the road...his son shot towards our sons direction while out hunting, not paying attention to anyone who might have been in the area-

They-as a family who handles guns-- are not safe. duh! They are members of the NRA---I think the son even owns a gun shop--- but they are not safe. 

  So he keeps mowing into the fence-trying to knock it over.  Why do people have to be so mean?  Today though, he waves to me like he is trying to be friendly.  Ok, I  wave... but think-meanie.

Tonight we go out to eat, nice meal with our second son, his wife and their children.  Scott and I drove home slowly, enjoying the quiet evening as Sabbath begins-even holding hands as he drives....talking as we take back roads, we even went out of our way to get home!!!  We are doing the 'old person' thing of driving around on back roads as we look at the fields and peoples homes....(wow!  Never thought I would turn into my parents!)   But-Peaceful.

Passed 4 buggies driving close in a row.  Went past the first buggy and heard a auto horn honk.  It was rather quiet-but did hear one, then after the last buggy, heard another car horn, louder-we laughed.  I told Scott we should pull over and I would get out and stand in the middle of the road to stop all of those teen Amish kids, telling them   "turn over your horns.  Do your parents know you have auto horns?  Does your bishop know? now hand them over and I will not tell anyone"  You have to know about the Amish to find this funny, esp in this area of Michigan where they are more old order --unlike their Indiana (Shipshewana) cuzins, who are not so old order---so this group is not allowed to have fancy things like car horns that other Amish children might be allowed to have!  

Still peaceful evening.....

Then we came home to see all of the sheep, goats and the cow out---eating my garden!  ALL of my peppers, cabbage, lettuce and on and on!  Thank you GOD that the tomatoes survived!  I am very frustrated!  Scott says the gate was unlocked, but why would someone go into the yard and unlock just that one?  No the grand children were not out there, not at all.  None of the other gates were unlocked-so that is just weird.  It is a chain lock, so the animals can not unlock this one, others, yes, but not this one.  Sigh.

All animals ran back into the yard, (the fenced area where my garden is!)  Oh yes, lets run to the other garden since you have ruined the first one!  (they could have ate some of the cilantro that I have an over abundance of-but nooooo, just the peppers, lettuce and cabbage....) 

We have had a terrible rabbit problem this year, and I thought that SOMEONE (cough-scott-cough)  needs to go out there and shoot all of those fuzzy little bunnies that are the culprits... those fuzzy little rat / bunnies who were eating my cabbage, peppers and such, but now maybe they (the rabbits) will go somewhere else since the goats, sheep, and cow ate them down all the way! Sorry, no more food here for you rat rabbits!


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