Sunday, July 10, 2011


Well, its been a very busy couple of weeks around the keeslar farm.  As you can see, we are gardening a lot-the new boxes (got a wonderful deal, talked the managers down to a great price on the lumber this early spring at a certain store!  I always talk them down on the price of stuff in the discount area!!!)
So got the 4 new boxes built behind the house, and 4 more out by the other boxes...(see photo below)

Still need to add the landscape timbers around the boxes (we have those, just need to do the work!)

The saw dust comes like this:

all bagged up.  I traded for these this last late winter, and finally got to pick them up this last 2 weeks!  (they have been ready but we were not ready to get them!!)

I like this around the boxes, the plan is to allow the saw dust to break down into soil, and then flip that into the boxes, adding more boards to make the boxes taller (as we grow older we will have to bend less that way)  this spring we picked up tons (yes TONS) of free compost (like the FREE stuff) and filled the boxes!  That was a lot of shoveling!  Mostly by me-until the last huge load...then Scott helped a lot!  
The garden is growing well, as long as we water it often.  It is so dry!  Our grass is so very dry!  I want to water the lawn where the animals eat, but it would prob drain our well.  So got to just buy some hay.

I had the grand children over a few times, a week or so ago, had the older 3 over for a week.  We went bowling...

Here is Zack and Logan!

Adreana with Auntie...Adreana was not feeling well, she was to have surgery the next week, ear tubes, tonsils removed, and anoids removed.  She has a 40% hearing loss, and since this day-has had the surgery.  The doctor who operated on my children (adreanas dad, uncle and aunts) did her surgery!  He said that she had the worse case he has seen in a very long time!  She is hearing better now!

I was very grateful for Stephens and Anastasia's and Nalanis help that day!

The kids "rescued" a baby bunny from Todd the cat, because it had a piece of fur off from it, and was bleeding.  We decided to just "let the bunny go" over in an area where maybe Todd could not find it.  Dont know if it lived or not, but the next morning, the children found a dead baby bunny under the back steps, with out -well with out its head- so they think it did not.  :(  They were sad.  But we had a talk about the abundance of rabbits (eating my garden) and Todd doing the job of keeping them away....
It is called life.

This past weekend I had all 5 grand children here!  We took them to the drive in movies...

Before we went, we had a pizza party at the house.  We arrived to the drive in before the sun went down and set our chairs out, we drove both the truck and the car.  We sat out in the chairs eating junk foods (pop corn, chips and snacks.  This was the first time the kids had been to a drive in.  They thought the screen was huge!  Zack asked me how many times we had been to a drive in, and I told him too many to count!  (when we dated, it was the thing to do-drive ins all over the area....)

Zack telling his story!  

Then the next day, Grampa took the kids swimming... they all about drowned grampa!

yes that is grampa about under the water in front of one of the grand children!  

Well its been busy, and its not slowing down any time soon!  Must rebuild the chicken house (already built the new little baby chicken house) and re-do the front steps before some one falls (me) !

Keep enjoying your summer! 

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