Wednesday, July 20, 2011

COLORADO -still...

We are still in Colorado.  Today is day #2 of the conference.  Scott has been enjoying the rest...he has done a few small hikes (around the grounds) and then just rested.  When ever have you had a vacation where you just rested?  I was a bit worried that he would be bored, but he is not (or not telling me about it anyway) 

So it is Wednesday, and it is about 5:30 pm out here (7:30 back home). 

 Here is a photo of the building were in for the conference:  

Our room is above the door, you can see the window.  Were on the second floor.

Here is the window view that I see during the conference...

And here is the group that has attended the conference...

During the conference...

More later!!!

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