Well were off on another adventure.
I have had some people say, wow, how do you get to travel like you do? How can you afford it? Well I cant really. But I am creative, I like to speak at midwifery conferences, and that pays my way!
If you want to do things like travel-, you have to be creative!
I am also on the board for the Christian Midwives International (CMI), and that means I attend the yearly conference. As a board member, I am able to attend the conference at a less fee. Now, that is not the reason I am a board member, but it is a privilege of being on the board and doing all the work to plan, and work at a conference...and there is a LOT of work that goes into getting ready and doing a conference---.
Last week I went to a two day conference in Indy for midwives.
the midwives, doulas and birth assistants who attended the conference in Indy |
Arrived home on Friday evening and stayed up until about 1:30-2 am working on CMI items then went to bed.
Awake again about 6:30 am, to get ready for leaving for this trip. We were to leave by 9 am, but did not get onto the road until about 10 am or after. No breakfast, so stopped at Bob Evans for a lunch/breakfast meal in Aburn! Not on the road for another 45 minutes! We thought, hopefully we will do better with our time!
Finally on the road and we were to make it into Missouri and stay at a state park (inexpensive camping that way) but did not-so stopped in Illinois at a state park. It was nice. No running water except for a pump, and pit toilets. But cheap!
We got the spot by the yellow tape...not sure why it was up there-maybe someone died from some river monster coming up out of the spooky dark lake at night? (bad joke) The tape says “caution wet paint” really? Where? On the trees?!
We set up camp, and heard terrible rock music from the site down the lane, who had children that likes to ride past our tent and say hi each time! Finally the sun set and we went to bed. Up early (about 2 am at first, then up again about 5 am. Got on the road around 8 am, and we were off!
Often people are in such a hurry to get where they are going that they miss the simple nice things along the way. We decided that this trip would be a easy going, slow traveling time. That is why we decided to take the 3 days to get to Colorado. When we had left, I looked over the trees thru the morning mist at the small towns water tower....what a pretty site –only the trees and water tower thru the mist.
Then saw a house-very “American” with the flags out front, a Harley Davidson motor cycle in the driveway along with an old pick up truck and a car, a sign up front saying “until they are all home” and the pow sign and a flag, then a second sign with the scripture about “if my people would pray...”
In town, we saw a working rail road, with a large 2 story square building, that appears to be a home now, but maybe not---but you could tell it use to be used for the railroad...windows about 5 feet tall, about a foot apart all around 4 sides of the building on both levels! I would hate to clean those!
thought we were crossing the mighty Mississippi river here, and thought-wow-its not that mighty!
Then realized, no, here it is! (below)
I like small towns....but they still have tall buildings out here in the small towns like the big cities, but the nice thing about out here, is unless your in the big city, these small towns tall buildings are all farm ones! That is my kind of town! Small, and YES you know everyone!
Lots of cows!
It got so hot yesterday...the temp said 105 but with the humidity-prob 115 or more! It was awful!
Our trucks air conditioner quit working a few times. And the drivers side window does not work, so boy was it hot. I ended up with a migraine. We were gonna camp again (state park to save some money---since we are so broke and so cheap) but just couldnt do it! Needed the air-so stayed in a hotel, one that I am a “member” of that program where you earn points for a free night. We should have a free night coming, or maybe I need to stay one more time? Not sure.
I also signed up for something (two different things) that you can cancel after or before 30 days, for a dollar each. It will give us a total of $100.00 guaranteed gasoline free! I will cancel soon, but will earn the free gasoline first! That helps pay for our trip (see how I work things out! You HAVE to be creative to travel less expensive) I also pack a lot of our meals, I even canned some meat so we will have ready made meals. Frugal- that is me! I only budgeted in for going out to eat a few times (and have Free meals we have “earned” by other things thru the year that I have saved those cards to use on this trip)
Slept well last night, had a shower (that is always great after washing up in a bucket at the camp site) and enjoyed our travels a bit more today. Air went out only twice..the last part of the trip was the worst...but we survived. Its freezing up when we use it, then if we stop (for gasoline) and go-and if we stop within the ½ hour again (rest stop) then that stopping and going -it freezes up.
A farm in Colorado, off from Highway 24 going south west from interstate 70.
The clouds in the back ground are over some mountains. We could see them from an hour away...not clear, but could tell the clouds were over the mountains ahead.
The mountains as we entered into the city...
I saw some interesting signs today while we were traveling: Wish I could have gotten photos of them....
One said :
Really? Now who would feel good about that one?
Next one said:
Elect MORAN for senator...
Dont we already have enough of those in office now???
Another was an artists interruption of JESUS sifting wheat...in a wheat field...
and we saw a welcome center made from a corn silo that was really cute.
Well got to go for now...watch for more updates this week!