well, over the weekend we had a baby goat added to the keeslar farm list of new babies!
Sally, is a first time mom, did a great job-an 'unattended birth' which means no medical intervention!! Imagine that, in this so called high tech world with the way we birth both animals and humans here in America...
This little guys name is??? we have not yet named him...
He was doing just fine for the first few hours, then became chilled.
So Scott brought him in, and we gave him a mixture of colostrum from the momma...then by finger, gave him some molasses, and Karo syrup, and later a few dropper fulls of strong coffee...along with continued colostrum from momma, and he really perked up. He enjoys sitting by the fire, watching the flames!
This morning we took him back out to mom to nurse, although we have been milking her and giving him the milk, it is always best to keep babies with their mommas. 
He did nurse, but then after about 45 minutes of being outside, become chilled, so we again brought him inside.
He is getting around checking things out, here he is below looking at the fan...
As it gets warmer around here, the other wild animals come out, and last night a coon got 4 of our chickens, killing them. We are now down to 20, so we will be getting some new chickens soon, come spring. Not happy with the coons, they may need to eat, but there is enough wild animals out there for them, like rats!
Life on the farm looks good. Very cool about the new baby goat. I agree with you about the coons. They used to kill our kittens when we lived over in Pleasant Lake. I weeded them out......