Last week on the farm the youngest grand children visited...Grandma made eggs with cheese, fresh fruit and some chicken. Then I even made cookies, but they enjoyed the fruit and chicken more! Good for you kids!!! I love what the shirt says that the youngest one is wearing!!!
Our youngest daughter also visited...and her father (my hubby) brought the youngest goat in side for a visit! He was named Bob by our other grand children, although we are not really sure if that name will 'stick' but time will tell!

This is 'bob' outside in his stall...under the heat lamp...
Our two twin lambs -so far named salt and pepper, but those names will change too, are growing. They sneak out of the pen and roam around in the barn all over! When you go out to the barn and go in, you will often surprise them and they look at you like "were not into anything --really"
The other goats are all getting along just fine, these are the two babies that we got last year...from our pastor...
And I had to show the peacocks new tail feathers. We are finally down to only one peacock! yeah! After years of having up to 23 at one time!
His color looks sort of reddish in the light, and yes it really looks that way. When he moves into a slightly different light, it changes. So pretty!

You guys always complained about the peacocks. Ill bet now you will want more when that last one is gone.