I was up early again, about 4 am, went for a walk, but waited until just before 5 am, for safety reasons. It is really safe here, but then there is always the 'just in case' so I wait until close to 5 am as there is often many people out walking in the morning here, so help would be just a quick yell away.
The area I walk in is a very nice neighborhood, and is used for walking by many people.
So today we saw some of the women who are due, and they are all just ready...but no labors yet! I am hoping they will all deliver in the next 10-13 days- !
I have a mom back home due in Dec-that I will need to come back for, plus I do not want to go too long between seeing my ladies either-although I have a few friends who could go see them if needed...
By the way....that reminds me-
I hear Johnny said he would be willing to go see my clients and be a temp midwife-thanks JB! Maybe if you take some one along with you too, just for their help and a second opinion-so lets see....
*not Josiah, sorry but you gotta be married and have children to qualify-
*I hear Jamin has been ill, (praying for you by the way)
*Joel's little one is too young for him to be out doing midwifery stuff- so that leaves...
*Phil-yes, he could help you!! Between the two of you could manage this! (one to hold the doppler and one to push the 'on' button)
If you have any trouble-- use the old fashioned fetoscope-it has no buttons! :)
Ok-back to my life here!
This is a photo of the window I sit at to eat my meals (most of them anyway) thought you might find the view interesting. I do. It is pretty. There is a birds nest in the bush, and often I have seen a red bird there-(cardinal-male) .
So we are still waiting.....
Still a visit later today, but in between I will work on some crochet items I am working on, and another article for a midwife magazine that I have been published in a few times already. Got to get that finished....
Miss all of you
be blessed.
Psalm 34:
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